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2020 What's New 

We had some big fun at the Herding Trial at Downriver Farms in Laidlaw at the end of September. So proud of our Zirkcreek pups! EL and her kids Jack, Sari and Draco, along with Janel who entered the herding arena for the first time ever! All four of them passed their CKC Herding Test. And all of them did a lovely job! We represented our beautiful breed so very well! I am super proud of all of you!!

Ali earned her first CDX leg with a lovely performance and a 2nd place finish at the LMDF Obedience and Rally trials in September. This was Ali's first time in the Open B ring.


EL finished her CD with two nice performances and TWO High in Class placements at the FVDF Obedience and Rally trials Sept 2020. 


Sari did a great job her first time in the rally ring at the FVDF show in Sepember too. Earning her first two Rally Novice legs with nice scores of 96 and 99. And earning a High in Class Placement for her second run.


Draco and Janel had a fabulous debut in the obedience ring. A lovely and focused performance by young Draco earning his first PCD leg at the FVDF Obedience and Rally trials in September


Draco and Janel also made their debut in the Rally Novice ring at the FVDV obedeince and rally trials,  earning two Rally Novice legs with a HIC placement for his first run! Good job!!


Janel and Draco have also been busy in a variety of different venues. They are on their way together on their conformation journey, earning their first point together! 


Janel tells me: Draco also has his Trick Dog Elite from "Do more with your dogs" through both AKC and CKC. Oh, and he LOVES the ham it up for the camera!

Barb and Maia had a fantastic weekend at their nosework trial. Maia earned  a 1st place in Containers and 2nd place in Exteriors and was 1st OVERALL in the Working Stream! Great Job ladies. But they weren't done! in Excellent Maia earned a 1st and a 2nd placement, In all of her 5 qualifying searches FOUR were PERECT SCORES! and one was just ONE POINT OFF. Really nice work you two!! We are super proud of you both!

Maia and Barb also tried their paw at herding and passed  their Herding Intstinct Test in September Dang these Zirkcreek pups really can do it all! Well done!

Barb and Maia earned their Level 3 ACE title in September. (10 Q's after the base title) These two have had a fun and productive summer!!! Congratulations!
Tracey and Gordon went to Calgary to attend the CADF Temperament Test. Of course handsome Gordon passed with flying colours!! 
Tracey and Gordon went to Okotoks to attend a Herding Instinct Test in May.  And just like all our Zirkcreek pups who have tried their paw on sheepies, Gordon passed again with flying colours! Well done Gordon! 
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