CH Zirkcreek Ah Put A Spell On U RA CI CS HTs JHD Group Placer Multi BOB Multi High in Class AKC Major Pointed (from the BBX class)
My darling DJ. My first home bred pup who held me captivated from the moment she was born. Her life was so cruelly cut short, not due to an illness, but due to malpractice by a lab which misread results from a common tissue sample,claiming benign results (on two occasions about 10 days apart). The lab is a local one to us, called True North, and they are the go to lab for most of the vets on the lower mainland in B.C. I have never recovered from the way we lost her, I don't think my heart will ever really heal; but DJ left me with the most incredible gifts. Along with some spectacular memories of the many great times we shared, DJ also gave me Ali and Emmy Lou, who are her off spring. I am forever grateful for the time I had with DJ, and we honour her legacy through her kids. Not a day goes by that I don't think of DJ, you are truly and forever in my heart.