Brags and Achievements
September 2024
Sari x Hobo kids are having a great time! Z and Tami entered in Z's first NASDA trial and came home with two new titles, and two High in Class placements.
Tami writes: ....(Z) had runs finding the quarry box in the woods 9 secs, 6.09 secs (I was barely off the start line trying to keep up with him, and lost item recovery of 6 secs, 7 secs, and 13 secs! The kid has a nose and LOVES the work!
Huge congrats Tami and Z We are so proud of you both!

We had a fabulous time at the Fall Herding trial at Downriver farms. At just 15 months old baby Carlee made her debut in the herding arena and we had a blast. She came home with 4 passes in 4 trials in two days in AHBA and CKC. Carlee earned her AHBA JHD on Friday and her CKC HTs on the Saturday. All the judges loved her and she got loads of great compliments on her future.
Carle is Zirkcreek Ewe Had Me From Hello v BAAR HTs JHD

Bruce also had a fantastic time at the herding trial. Bruce earned his AHBA HTAD1 title in two lovely runs winning first place both runs on Friday. Bruce is
Zirkcreek Dancing In The Dark HSs HTAD1 JHD HTs

Draco and Janel continue to amaze and shine. Draco was Reserve High in Trial all three days at the AHBA trial once, and the CKC trial twice! They are working on their Herding Championship at this point and getting close!!

June 2024
Janel and Draco earned their UTDX at the Great Dane Tracking Club's event on June 9. Congratulations!! Draco is now a TRACKING CHAMPION!! We are so proud of you both. Draco is Zirkcreek's first Champion Tracker!! Zirkcreek pups truly can do it all!!! Way to go Janel and Draco!!

We had a fantastic time at the Richmond Dog Fanciers obedience trial. I am so incredibly proud of EL who finished her CDX from the Open B class with a third placement!

Draco and Janel also had a great tim at the Richmond Dog Fanciers obedience trial, earning CDX leg #2. Almost there guys!

May 2024
Dreamer went BOW for his first point!! Gramma Ann C showed him to his win! Congrats Dede and Dreamer! You are on your way!
Tami and Z also have been busy! Z earned his CGC AND his Novice Trick title on the same weekend! Proud of you guys!! You are really having a great time together!

We had a BLAST at the annual May long weekend Downriver herding trial. The boys of Zirkcreek absolutely brought it! Janel and Draco had a fabulous time, earning their first two qualifying legs in Herding Advanced with placements! They also earned a Stock dog intermediate leg on the Saturday with a First Place!! But their biggest and most impressive win of the trial was being awarded the Pepsi Prize, which is an award handed out for the dog who is the most kind to their stock! Draco is always kind to his stock. It was so nice to see that others saw his kindness at the trial! Congrats Guys!!

Jack had a fantastic long weekend in Laidlaw at the herding trial. Jack and I earned our Herding Intermediate title in three straight runs, with a first second and third placements. I was incredibly proud of Jack (and me too!) Jack can run a bit hot trialing...and we managed to hold it together and I got to show off my fabulous boy's herding skills at trial!

Bruce also had a wonderful weekend herding in Laidlaw at the trial. Bruce finished his Herding Started title with placements both days. He also earned a bumper leg on Monday winning Reserve High in Trial! So proud of him!! Great job Brucey!!

Ali and Bruce had a wonderful weekend at the Dumbbell Obedience trial Ali earned another CDX leg with a beautiful score and a 2nd placement. Bruce made his debut in the obedience ring for the first time earning his first PCD leg. Good job guys!!

Like Father, Like Son! I am super proud of Jack and his son Bruce who are ranked #2 and #4 in CKC Herding in 2023!. Bruce is just getting started and he's proving to be a good herd dog! His dad Jack is more advanced. You can check out video of Jack and Bruce below.

April 2024
Our Sari x Hobo babies are starting to have some fun. Baby Hobbes owned and loved by Ronnie B earned his CGC and also got to strut his stuff in the ring going Reserve his first time out! Congrats guys!! We're proud of you both

Baby Z (EZ) owned and loved by Tami M also has been having fun with her boy. They ventured into the Rally ring earning a Q the first time! Congrats guys!!

Dede's boy Dreamer got to go to the ARC National Specialty in Colorado and got a 4th Placement in Puppy Sweeps. His gramma Ann C showed him and I've heard they had fun together in the ring!

March 2024
Super proud of Emmy Lou. She earned two CDX Legs with super nice scores and placements at the Golden Retriever Trial in Abbotsford.

Ali had a great weekend too! She was the only dog to qualify in any of the utility classes offered on the Saturday. She Q'd in Utility WC. And she went two for two qualifying with placements both days from the Open B class. Proud of my girls!