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What's New 2022

November 2022

Our not so baby Bruce got to strut his stuff at the Elsie Murray show in Chilliwack on the weekend. As Bruce has just turned a year old, I entered him for 'practice' but my little man had other ideas! Bruce went Reserve Winners Male on Friday and Sunday...and on Saturday Bruce went Best of Winners!!! Earning his first two points! He tried so very hard for me and showed much better than some of his older competition! Yeah Bruce!!! I am super proud of you!

September 2022

Sari finished her Grand Championship title this past weekend!!!! Sari and I had a fantastic weekend at the Mount Cheam Show  in Chilliwack. Over the weekend Sari went BOS three days including at the Group 3 Specialty to finish. Sari is now known as GCH Zirkcreek Cuweet Dreams CD HSs RN HTS High in Trial (Herding) I am so very proud of my girl!!! 


Draco and Janel had a fabulous weekend at the AHBA herding trial earning their first two Intermediate legs and winning 1st place on Saturday. Well done you too!! Great teamwork


Jack had a great time at the herding trial as well. His momma handled him to his first ABHA Started leg and winning THIRD place! What fun!!!

July 2022

We had a GREAT time at the Thunderbird show. Sari and Draco both had a ton of fun and came home with a ton of points towards their respective Grand Championships. Between the two of them they scooped up 14 points over the weekend. Sari went BOS and Select Female. She is now just three points from finishing her GCH. Draco made his debut as a Special winning Best of Breed and then Select Dog over the weekend. Draco is over half way to finishing his GCH. Way to go Zirkcreek kids!!! We are so proud of you!!!


Janel and I took at trip to Vancouver Island for the 5 day show in July. Baby Bruce made his debut in the conformation ring competing for points for the first time. He did a great job for me and we were awarded Reserve Winners dog! over a dog that has won multiple group placements. His uncle Draco was Best of Breed and he finished his CHAMPIONSHIP!!!  Sari was BOS all weekend long! A lot of fun for sure!


Draco is CH Zirkcreek Ckyfall My Dragnhart


Baby Bruce Strutting his stuff. Good
boy Brucey!

June 2022

The 2021 CKC Stats are in! And Zirkcreek pups have made us so proud again. Ali is Fourth in Obedience and Emmy Lou is fourth in herding. Daughter Sari is right behind her mom with a fifth place in herding as well for the year! Way to go Zirkcreek! Proving again our dogs are not just beautiful but also serious working dogs!!


Sari earned her CD obedience title at the Richmond Dog Fanciers trial. A lovely performance with a score of 196.5 and second place to finish her title! Super proud of Sari who is now known as CH Zirkcreek CuWeet Dreams CD HSs HTs RN

Sair new CD Richmond 2022.jpg

  May 2022

Zirkcreek had a spectacular May long weekend at the herding trial at Downriver Farm


Jack and Kylee kicked off the weekend by winning High in Trial on Saturday and then Reserve High in Trial on Monday. Jack earned his Herding Started Title in 3 straight runs! Great job Kylee and Jack! Jack is now known as CH Zirkcreek Chasing PIrates HSs HT


EL and Hedy had a fantastic weekend herding too. EL won RHIT (we tied on score with Kylee and Jack for HIT on Saturday and El again won RHIT on Sunday finishing her Herding Started title. EL also had a fun run on Monday for a Started bumper leg! We had fun together!! I had such fun with Sari too. She started out by placing 5th on Saturday (out of 17 entries) Sari place 4th on Saturday and saved her best work (and mine!) for a wonderful run and High in Trial for her bumper Started leg on Monday! So proud of these girlies!!
EL is now known as GCH/AM CH Zirkcreek Beyond My Wildst Dreams CD RN HSs HTs
Sari is now knowns as CH Zirkcreek CuWeet Dreams RN HSs HTs


Janel and her lovely boy Draco had a really great weekend herding too. Draco and Janel earned two Stock Dog Started qualifying runs to finish their Stock Dog Started title AND finished both runs with placements! Well done you two!! Draco is now known as Zirkcreek Ckyfall My Dragnhart CD RN HSs HSDs TD UTD ETD


April 2022


Aleesha earned her CKC Urban Tracking Dog Title on the Easter weekend
Aleesha is now known as
Zirkcreek C Krit Heart TD UTD

Draco also  earned his  CKC Urban Tracking Dog Title on the Easter weekend
Draco is now known as
Zirkcreek Ckyfall MyDragonHart CD RN HSs HT TD UTD ETD
Draco also had a great weekend at the  Renaissance Dog Show in Chilliwack Easter weekend.  Draco won BOW on Thursday and went WD on both Friday and Saturday. Draco has 7 points toward his Championship. 
Sari also had a GREAT weekend at the Renaissance Show. Sari went BOS Thursday and Friday and was Select Female on Saturday. Sari is over halfway to her Grand Championship

Gordon went to Calgary for some fun to play in C-Wags Obedience. He qualified 3 runs (of 4) earning two Level 1 Ace legs and his first Level 2 leg. Good job Gordon!!

Ali earned her very first Utility leg from the B class at the Dumbbell Obedience trial April 10 weekend. Ali worked so well and earned a 2nd placement! So proud of Ali Bean!
Sari earned her 2nd Novice leg from the B class at the Dumbbell Obedience trial April 10 weekend. Sari worked so well and earned a 2nd placement! So proud of our sweetest Sari!
March 2022
Gordon had a fantastic weekend earning his CKC Rally Novice in style. He placed in large classes (24 dogs competing in this class!)and banged out his title in 3 straight runs! Gordon is now known as
Zirkckreek Can You Read My Mind RN SD-S-SP CW-Ob1 CGN TT HIC

Sari earned her 1st Novice leg from the B class at the Golden Retriever Trial March 20. What made her debut in Novice B extra special was the fact she was the highest scoring working dog with a Championship. Nice job Sari!! 


February 2022

Our darling baby Bruce made his debut in the Baby Puppy Class at the Ladies Kennel Club in February. He won the Baby Puppy Group all three days he showed. Like a champ Brucey!


Beautiful Sari had a great weekend at the Ladies Kennel Club show too. She took the Breed (beating a male special!) and was BOS the two other days she showed. 

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